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Public·34 membres
Daniel Miller
Daniel Miller

Datawatch Monarch Pro 10 5 Added By Request

Each fall we distribute more than a quarter of a million tags to thousands of volunteers across North America who tag monarchs as they migrate through their area. These "community scientists" capture monarchs throughout the migration season, record the tag code, tag date, gender of the butterfly, and geographic location then tag and release them. At the end of the tagging season, these data are submitted to Monarch Watch and added to our database to be used in research.

Datawatch Monarch Pro 10 5 Added By Request

Tagged monarchs observed or recovered in the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico ("domestic recoveries") are often found by people who are not familiar with the Monarch Watch tagging program. They are directed to submit the recovery information (complete tag code, date, location, and contact info) via the Monarch Watch Tag Recovery Form so that it may be added to our database. 350c69d7ab

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