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Daniel Miller
Daniel Miller

Clue Finders Reading Adventures Disc 1 Full Version !!INSTALL!!

Are computers appropriate for young children? Haugland (1999,2000) provided reviews of when to introduce computers and some benefits ofcomputer use. The Alliance for Children reported on potential harm tochildren from computer use, and proposed a moratorium on computers in earlychildhood education programs and elementary schools (Cordes & Miller,2000). This was followed by a position statement, "...signed by morethan 75 educators child-development and health authorities, technologyexperts, researchers, and other advocates for children" (Alliance forChildren, 2000). It generated a response by Ginsberg (2000), ExecutiveDirector of NAEYC. The American Academy of Pediatrics and Learning in theReal World agreed to fund research in 2001 that investigates, "...thepossible connection between early and frequent computer use andchildren's gross and visual motor development" (American Academy ofPediatrics, 2000). Issues regarding the use of computers by young childrendeserve further research. While to som e degree these questions have beenraised since before the birth of the early Texas Instruments computer (withan audio cassette tape drive, no less), vigorous and hopefully enlighteneddiscussions should continue.

Clue Finders Reading Adventures Disc 1 full version

How can adaptive technology assist children with disabilities?While this is perhaps the most exciting area for technological progress ineducation, a discussion of the mushrooming use of technology to assistchildren with disabilities is outside the purview of this article. Aninterested reader might begin such a search at the Alliance for TechnologyAccess website, or by reading its new third edition of Computers and WebResources for People with Disabilities, or at the U.S. Office of SpecialEducation Programs (OSEP) website. The Center for Applied Technology, KITE:Kids Included Through Technology Are Enriched, and the Let's PlayProject are also recommended and available via the Technology and YoungChildren website.

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